Indonesia Map
It has been on my horizon for a while, this humongous archipelago called Indonesia, with its 17,000 islands (really?), its 250 million people, its 300 languages, its unexplored jungles, its crowded urban areas, its variety of ethnicities and religions. It is 4000 km wide (or is it 5000?), rivaling the width of the United States. For sure it is intimidating! For weeks now I have wracked my brain on how to get a handle on such a diverse landscape in the just 60 days I will have to explore it; and I am still trying to figure it out. If you are curious, I hope you will follow me on this year's journey. From orangutans to UNESCO sites, there should be plenty of adventures! First I need to get through a hurdle: 36 hours in transit! They say it's the journey that counts, not the goal. In this case, I beg to differ. Spare me the journey and just get me there in the blink of an eye if possible! If I were one of the many heroes of Indonesian folklore equipped with magical powers, perhaps I could. But it's just me.
Hope to see you at the other side of the world, soon! ET