This blog is dedicated in pictures to the Uzbek people I met and the thousands more whom I only saw on the street. I loved the way the women and the men dressed, often still in part in their traditional garb. I have encountered (almost) only friendliness, openness and hospitality. I have never felt unsafe in this country or unwelcome. Many of my architectural images lack people, as Ann in one of her early comments noticed. That is deliberate. But here, they finally are: The wonderful people of Uzbekistan.

For myself, this is a slow day. I am packing and sleeping as much as I can to get ready for a long, long overnight transit to Afghanistan. Even though these two countries border on each other, there is no direct way to get from here to Kabul. I have to fly through Delhi...
From here on out, posting on the blog is very questionable and likely sporadic if at all. But I will write and photograph as I go along. Eventually, you will hear from me again.
No news is good news! If there is bad news, David will know and post a note.
Hope to be back soon. ET