
The Aztecs probably originated from North America, most likely the Arizona area. They arrived in Mesoamerica around the beginning of the 12th century and flourished until 1521. You will learn about the very interesting culture of the Aztecs including their art, everyday life and religion.

In this lecture, you will also learn how the controversial practice of human sacrifice was integrated into their culture. The Aztecs held their gods in great respect as evidenced by the large temples they built to honor them. Part of this honoring of their gods was accomplished through the ritual of human sacrifice. The victims where led up the long, steep steps of the temple where the priest would cut the heart out and place it in a sacred bowl held by the Chacmool, a sculpture depicting a reclining figure with its head facing 90 degrees from the front. A Chacmool can be seen holding a bloody heart in the Aztec flyer pictured above. Many of the temples displayed racks of human skulls from the victims of sacrifice.

The unusual traditions and religion of the Aztecs were practiced until the invasion and the final destruction of their culture by the Spanish conquistador Cortes.

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