“I love sharing my experiences and I love connecting the art and history of the past with people's lives of today. I love to bring the world to my students and readers as so many of us can not travel the way I have been privileged to do.” - ET

“I love sharing my experiences and I love connecting the art and history of the past with people's lives of today. I love to bring the world to my students and readers as so many of us can not travel the way I have been privileged to do.” - ET
About the fascinating region of Cappadocia, a few tours I joined, and a few people I met.
About a little travel mishap. About my incredible “fairy chimney” in Goreme. About people I met.
Saying good-bye to Turkey. 40 days of fun, work, sightseeing, discoveries, making new friends, and eating great food. Way to go, Turkey!